Monday, September 23, 2013

Flytrap goes "In Country" with "Dirty Little Wars"

Well some of it at least.
Having returned from a lengthly period serving the boardgaming world we are back at the miniature table and will over the coming month begin releasing all the built up lines we have had sitting here over the past several months.

In addition to the long awaited additional items for our Warfighter range we will be jumping into the Vietnam War with our first releases going up on the shop in the next 2 weeks.
Our new 1:100 scale "Dirty Little Wars – Border Incursion" pack suitable for games of Ambush Valley will release first. This pack contains two opposing forces, a small unit of Navy SEALs/LDDN and a larger patrol unit of NVA regulars along with some other cool tidbits. We have decided to change a little the way we model our 1:100 miniatures now basing them on tabs as opposed to rounds.

We hope this change is accepted with little grief but in a pursuit to add value to our products we opted for the tab option (as seen in the link) to enable us to incorporate customisale options such as seperate heads/weapons and equipment and a range of basing effects and the like (still offered at the same price as a regular miniature without the addons).

In addition to the Dirty Little Wars pack we will be releasing our new Vietnamese Hooch set with options for stilted structures as well as other terrain effects such as bamboo clusters, oil drums and whatever else happens to take our fancy at the time :)

We hope you like what you see, we will make a more formal TMP announcement in the next two weeks once painted items, video reviews and web updates have been completed.

Other releases will be the awaited additions mentioned before, more stuff for Caveman vs Wild, Netherworlds Edge and much much more…so stay tuned!

Thank you for your time!

The Baron
Flytrap Factory

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