Saturday, December 14, 2013

Flytrap Factory and Zombiesmith unite!

Ladies and Gentlemen straight from Zombiesmith HQ!

Flytrap Factory and Zombiesmith align efforts to bring you more fun!
After several months of working on the details, Flytrap Factory and Zombiesmith have decided to partner up! It is a great fit for us both. Flytrap and Zombiesmith have always had a very similar design aesthetic and grimsical style. This will allow us to work on some new projects together combining our strengths and focusing our talents on making some really cool stuff.

So what does this all mean?

First, we are pleased to help cut costs for Flytrap Factory and make it easier for their loyal fans here in the States and the rest of the world to get their great miniatures. Zombiesmith will immedaitely take over all production and fulfillment of Flytrap miniatures orders withing North America and Europe (customers within Australia and New Zealand will still receive orders directly from Flytrap) Starting in March, Zombiesmith will start re-releasing Flytraps miniatures ranges on a rolling basis. Scheduling for those products will appear after the New Year, so keep watch on our websites for full details.

Also, we are super excited that this will give Flytrap Factory more time to focus on the parts of their job they really enjoy...designing the miniatures you love.Flytrap has a lot of great figures waiting in the wings and Zombiesmith will provide the resources needed to finally get them released! (you should see all the great stuff hiding on their workbenches!)

Most exciting though, is that because we both have such similar styles and tastes we can collaborate on some awesome new stuff! New figure lines, new rule sets and even terrain! Look for that starting mid next year.

For more information on Zombiesmith visit:

For more information, please email
Josh Qualtieri at or
Anton Ducrot at

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