Monday, December 12, 2011

The Factory doors open

Well well well!
Here we are at last!
Welcome ladies and gents as we embark upon this exciting new venture. Long has been the road to arrive at this point but we are finally proud to present to you Flytrap Factory.
Please take some time to have a look around the joint, see what we have to offer and feel free to join our forum community as we take our first tentative steps in establishing ourselves as a new and innovative creative studio predominantly (but not limited to) the miniatures and high end collectibles industry.

We decided to launch this little endeavour with some of our earliest designs, a 1:100 scale modern military range of figures and vehicles designed with the tabletop gaming community in mind (The Warfighter line of miniatures), and the first of our collectors series of 28-30mm painters figures under the Netherworlds Edge banner.

Warfighter is the title that will grow to encompass all of our 15mm/1:100 scale (designed for gamers) miniatures. Every month we will have a new major release for this line so be sure to pop back to our website regularly for updates. We chose modern to near future conflicts as our first port of call period mainly due to the growing popularity of the genre as well as because of the many excellent rules publications coming out from various design companies around the globe. We are currently developing our own set of ultra modern skirmish rules under the Warfighter title but these are still several months from release...stay tuned for more information.

Warfighter will move to include other periods/genres and will eventually grow to become one of the most complete and inclusive range of 15mm miniatures on the market, this is our aim and goal so we hope that you will follow our progress closely and provide the feedback and constructive criticism (so join the forum) we depend on to ensure that our benchmark standard of quality remains as high as we can possibly maintain it.

Netherworlds Edge
Now the Netherworlds Edge title will stand as our evolving line of fantasy concepts designed with not only the gamer or painter in mind but also for the avid collectors of fine miniatures. The Netherworlds Edge range holds a special place in our hearts here at the factory and we look forward to watching the concepts grow and develop, we hope you enjoy the products, current and future as much as we have developing them. Again we will rely on you our community for feedback, ideas and critique...

Thanks for taking the time to come and check out what is on offer, we sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay with us and get as much enjoyment out of our product as we have had in bringing it to you.

Kind regards

The Enigmatic Baron Trapdoor
(and his cohort of faithful minions)

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you guys. I hope there will be more fantasy releases in the future :)

    -Gerrie aka Corvus
